Our Purpose and Hope....

Mission Trip #5 is happening April 12-19th, 2014. We have 19 people going down to work and minister to the people. We're excited to see what God has planned!

February 21, 2009

Good morning from Guatemala! We're at Hannah's Hope right now for breakfast on our last full day here, and although most of us look pretty tired, we're ready for the day. Today is the day we get to have lunch with the five families that we collected stuff for, and then we're having an outdoor church service with them. The plan right now is for Laura and Kevin to share, and we'll probably do a little singing - the singing we do is a LITTLE bit different from the full band worship at the church we went to, but the message and intent are the same.
Yesterday we had "Girls Day in the Ghetto," and all of the women and Kevin and Ryan went to paint. The guys finished up some electrical work in one of the houses, and most of the women cleaned and painted there, and a small group of us stayed a little below them to paint Ashlee's house. It made a huge difference, and there were people hanging in the alley all day watching us through the window. When we finished the inside, we went outside to paint the neighbor's house, and I started handing out all the stuffed animals we brought. I had about 5 in my hands for the kids I could see, and withing 5 minutes, there were about 20 more kids standing outside the door, waiting for theirs. One little girl got one of the pink bears that Mrs. Munsey made, and she LOVED that bear. I have lots of pictures.
My favorite moment of the day was when a little girl named Sharon, about 6 years old, came walking down the alley holding the hand of her little brother, about 1 1/2. I was handing out lollipops - all the bears were gone - and she took one with a big smile. I reached into the bag to get one for her brother, and when I looked up, she had unwrapped the one I gave her and bent down and put it in her brother's hand with a huge smile, and she looked up at me and said, "Gracias!" Then she stood up to walk away - she didn't ask for one for herself. When I gave her one, she lit up, and for the rest of the afternoon, she was my buddy. She brought her brother home, and stuck to me like glue, looking at all of the pictures on my camera, asking about my "ninos" at home, touching my hair, posing for silly pictures. I felt so bad that we ran out of animals - a feeling we've had every day when we just don't have enough to give - and then Ashlee told me that her family is one of the ones we spend the afternoon with today! So she'll be getting some cool stuff then!
This has been an amazing experience. We can't wait to come home and show you all our pictures (and there are many!!( and get all of you to come back with us. There is so much need here, but so little want. They are happy in the Limonada, with no shoes, with dirt floors, with ceilings that leak, with dogs roaming the alleys, living in filth. They are so appreciative of whatever we can do for them, and we can make a difference here, for families and for children.
We also visited another orphanage yesterday, the saddest we've seen yet. I can't even write about it without crying, you'll just have to wait and see for yourselves!
Please keep us in prayer, for the day today, and for our safe travel tomorrow. We're coming home with empty suitcases, but full hearts!
Joe, Ana, Micah, and Matt, we love you very much and can't wait for our 72 kisses when get home! Be good for Gramma and Grampa! XOXOXOAmy - Mommy


  1. Hi Everyone, Praising God for all that all of you have done down there this week. God is Good and God is Great!!! It is hard not to cry when reading the postings. God has done alot through all of you this week. Will be praying for your traveling back for tomorrow. Have a great lunch and fellowship with the 5 families. God Bless you all richly. Looking forward to seeing the pictures that have been taken. Hi Craig. Love, Artie, Cathy and Eric.

  2. We can't wait to see you Monday! I hope you have a good trip home. We'll be praying for that. How was everyone's spanish? I hope the rest of the trip goes well! We love you a lot!

  3. You must be physically and emotionally exhausted. You all have not only been ministering to the Guatemalan people you've helped, but to us here reading your postings in the comfort of our own homes. You have reminded me of what BIG ways God can use us in when we give ourselves over to Him. You've been God's hands this week and that's His wish. I'm so happy that you all took this opportunity and have been touched by it. I can't wait to talk to all of you and see your pictures. My prayers continue for all of you and your save return. Luv, Dawn

  4. Well, you made me cry again. It's just so wonderful to hear all that's going on. How amazing it is to see how God is working through all of you and ministering to these special people. It just makes you want to take each one home and love them. But they're hearing how much God loves them and seeing how much you all love them. I'll keep all of you in my prayers as I have been. I'm especially praying for your safety as you return home. Love ya all, Mom (Thelma
