Our Purpose and Hope....

Mission Trip #5 is happening April 12-19th, 2014. We have 19 people going down to work and minister to the people. We're excited to see what God has planned!

October 22, 2012

Wonderful Start

Good evening,
Sorry about not posting earlier, it was a little tricky getting onto the blog this time.
We have had an incredible first two days (as always). We started the day yesterday by attending church with the kids from Dorie's. We all piled into the van (kids on our laps) and headed off!  The church "La Vida Real,"was enormous! The pastor spoke about how God is God and we are not. Even though we only got bits and pieces of the message, it was wonderful to worship with the people of Guatemala. After church we brought the kids to the park. Our team had a ball playing with kid, and some instant bonds were formed. The kids are so affecionate, they grabbed our hands and gave us hugs so freely. After the park we headed off to the Maria Theresa Ghetto to deliver some food baskets to some VERY needy families. All of us were particularly impacted by the pastor in the ghetto. He thanked us for the food baskets but then proceded to talk to us about his faith. His faith was overflowing. He spoke about always living in the light of eternit, and to continually thank God for everything. He said that his humble home is just a temporary place, but we will be in Heaven together. We were all thankful that we will be spending eternity with him. During devotions that night, we were all discussing the pastor and how remarkable his faith was. Someone said "if we woke up tomorrow morning with only the things we thanked God for the day before, what would we have?" That made a huge impact. Something to think about.
     On Monday, half of us went to the dump with Ashley to work on the community center, and half stayed back at Dories to begin the playscape. Both work projects got a great start! The community center has new stairs and tomorrow the a new dividing wall and new doors will be added. All three shells of the playscape towers are up and the kids are SO excited! They can't wait to play in their new backyard. Fatigue is setting in today, so we are all turning in early. Looking forward to another great day tomorrow!


  1. Thanks for your current post on the blog. It is good to see pictures on fb. Praying for you all. Can't wait to hear what you have to say from this trip. Love you all. Cathy.

  2. Thank you for posting! We appreciate the time and energy that it takes; being able to keep up with you day after day is wonderful. The Lord is using you in awesome ways!!! Luv, Dawn
