Our Purpose and Hope....

Mission Trip #5 is happening April 12-19th, 2014. We have 19 people going down to work and minister to the people. We're excited to see what God has planned!

October 27, 2012

Good Morning,
Yesterday was so busy, so here is a recap of our last day here in Guatemala. Joel-our missions coordinator, took us to Antigua. It's a beautiful little town about an hour from where we are staying. We drove up to a spot that overlooks the town. The view is beautiful with a huge cross there above the town. There is so much history here, and I'm so thankful to Joel for taking the time to share with us. The huge volcano is right behind this town and was just stunning to look at. We then drove back to the town to visit the market where we all did a little shopping. This was quite the experience! Joel took us to lunch after we finished up our shopping at a place called The Funky Monkey. The food was delicious, and the nachos were HUGE! The guys packed some up and took it with them to the dump. It was a wonderful day to spend together as a group.
We returned to Dorie's and some of the guys went back to the dump. Hope Renewed is starting a new carpentry program there in the Community Center so they can teach the men who live in the dump skills in woodwork so they can get jobs. They decided to take the lead carpenter from this program to shop for some new tools and supplies to get this program going. We hear he was very excited and so thankful.
Since yesterday was the last day here we had a big dinner with the kids. Joel ordered in Pollo Compero (KFC) and we all ate together outside. It was beautiful to hear these little children give thanks and sing their table prayer. After dinner the children all ran back onto the playscape. It was dark out and they were all in their pajamas. We handed out glow sticks and they loved it. We chased them around and played with them until it was time for them to go to bed. The older girls made us thank you cards and we all got some big hugs before we called it a night.

Well, here we are at the end of the trip! It's amazing to think about what was done this week, I feel like we were able to fit so much into our time here. Yesterday was a bittersweet day for all of us. We all enjoyed our time here and can't wait to return to share more with all of you. Thank you for your support and prayers this week.


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